December 15-21, 2024: Red Sea 2023. I wonder if any of these corals are still alive after the 2024 mass bleaching event?
December 8-14, 2024: Shimoni area, Southern Kenya
December 1-7, 2024: High coral cover and diversity in Southern Kenya.
November 24-30, 2024: Flashback to the Living Oceans Foundation’s field trip to New Caledonia over 10 years ago.
November 17-23, 2024: Mostly unbleached corals from Southern Kenya (amidst a March-April 2024 bleaching event).
November 10-16, 2024: A (mostly unbleached) reef (Dolphin Point) in Kisite Mpunguti Marine National Park and Reserve, Kenya.
November 3-9, 2024: A purple Acropora sp. meadow in Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
October 27-Nov. 2, 2024: A partially bleaching reef near Shimoni, Kenya (taken in late March, 2024).
October 20-26, 2024: My “most stolen” photo, and personally I don’t even think it’s one of my better ones. Great Barrier Reef from damn-near 10 years ago.
October 13-19, 2024: A high coral cover reef near Shimoni, Kenya, thankfully with less bleaching evident than in some of the photos posted below.
October 6-12, 2024: A fairly badly bleaching reef near Shimoni, Kenya. Looking forward to hearing about its hopeful recovery from the team at Reef-O-Lution.
September 29-October 5, 2024: A severely bleached reef in Southern Egypt (south of Marsa Alam). Some of these corals should recover….not so sure about others, though.
September 22-28, 2024: Mass bleaching in Southern Egypt, but beautiful reefs are still to be seen.
September 15-21, 2024: >95% bleaching in the Central Red Sea. How many of these poor corals will recover?
September 8-14, 2024: Another badly bleached reef off Thuwal, Saudi Arabia. Photo was taken in late August of 2024, when temperatures reached 34C, even at 30+ m.
September 1-7, 2024: Not a beautiful picture, more to highlight the current state of the reefs in the Jeddah, Saudi Arabia area. Yes, some of these corals will eventually recover, though many will not.
August 25-31, 2024: I promise I’ve been to more sites than simply “Mr. Umluj,” but it’s just so damn photogenic!
August 18-24, 2024: Another stunner from “Mr. Umluj,” near Yanbu, Saudi Arabia.
August 11-17, 2024: Back to Yanbu (northern Saudi).
August 4-10, 2024: Had been avoiding diving off Jeddah, thinking that there was no way it could be very nice…..well, I was (thankfully) very wrong!
July 28-August 3, 2024: OK, so it’s over-saturated, but, to be fair, it WAS pretty damn colorful (& I was at 2-3 m here, & possibly shallower). From “Mr. Umluj” (Saudi Arabia).
July 21-27, 2024: More from possibly the most beautiful reef in the Red Sea: “Mr. Umluj” (near Yanbu, Saudi Arabia).
July 14-20, 2024: Another stunner from “Mr. Umluj” (northern Red Sea).
July 7-13, 2024: Another nice shot from the shallows of the northern Red Sea.
June 30-July 6, 2024: Lots of great shots from this reef we discovered near Yanbu, known now as “Mr. Umluj.”
June 23-29, 2024: More from the Red Sea.
June 16-22, 2024: No corals in this photo, but a nice shot of a shark in the Red Sea.
June 9-15, 2024: Lovely corals here in the Red Sea, but where are all the big fish?
June 2-8, 2024: Red Sea (near Saudi Arabia)
May 26-June 1, 2024: Cement Reef, Red Sea (near KAUST).
May 19-25, 2024: Not coral, and not a great picture, but I do enjoy the bold nature of the Red Sea dolphins, who will actually let you swim with them (albeit for only a few seconds).
May 12-18, 2024: See how many species of reef-building coral you can spot in this picture from the Coral Triangle.
May 5-11, 2024: Love this shot of the shallows (1-2 m) of Atauro Island (East Timor).
Apr. 28-May 4, 2024: Haven’t done a funny one for a while; does this sponge remind you of the chef from The Muppets?! And yes, I added the eyes, but still…..
Apr. 21-27, 2024: Seven Sisters reef system (“Abu Galawa”) near Yanbu, Saudi Arabia.
Apr. 14-20, 2024: Haruine, East Timor
Apr. 7-13, 2024: A big table Acropora sp. off Atauro Island, East Timor.
Mar. 31-Apr. 6, 2024: Although it’s my last week in Africa for a while, I’m still going back through the hoards of epic shots from East Timor.
Mar. 24-30, 2024: More from the Kenya-Tanzania border. Corals are baking at 32°C, and even the anemones are bleaching. I am definitely worried….
Mar. 17-23, 2024: Reefs of Shimoni, Kenya. Thanks so much to Reef-O-Lution, one of the most impressive coral-focused NGOs I’ve had the pleasure of working with.
Mar. 10-16, 2024: Stoked to be here along the Swahili Coast of Kenya.
Mar. 3-9, 2024: Bottlebrush acroporids around Atauro Island.
Feb. 25-Mar. 2, 2024: More from amazing East Timor.
Feb. 18-24, 2024: It’s going to take months for me to get through all these gorgeous East Timor photos.
Feb. 11-17, 2024: More from Atauro Island, East Timor. Tons of Acropora. Zero fish over 30 cm.
Feb. 4-10, 2024: Atauro Island, East Timor! So excited to have visited such an amazing place. Tons of coral-centric photos to come. Full collection will be on my Adobe Portfolio.
Jan. 28-Feb. 3, 2024: Corals growing to just beneath the surface near Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.
Jan. 21-27, 2024: Another shot from “Cement Reef” near Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.
Jan. 14-20, 2024: Finally some photos that were actually taken in 2024 (Saudi Red Sea)- “Cement Reef” (near Thuwal, Saudi Arabia)
Jan. 7-13, 2024: More foliaceous corals from the far northern GBR (Torres Straits).
Dec. 31, 2023-Jan. 6, 2024: I love foliaceous corals. This is from a reef in the FAR northern Great Barrier Reef (Coral Sea).